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My Publications

Journal articles (peer-reviewed)

1. Fujii, T., & Uebuchi, H. (2010). Assessment of participants' theories of intelligence: Reliability and validity of the Implicit Association Test.

    Japanese Journal of Educational Psychology, 58, 263-274. [Link]

2. Fujii, T. (2011). The effects of procedural fairness and evaluation of university students. Jinbun, 9, 55-62. [Link]

3. Aikawa, A., & Fujii, T. (2011). Using the Implicit Association Test (IAT) to measure implicit shyness. Japanese Journal of Psychology, 82,

    41-48. [Link]

4. Fujii, T. (2011). Predictive Validity of the IAT-Anxiety. Japanese Journal of Personality, 20, 57-60. [Link]

5. Fujii, T. (2012). The relationship between achievement goal orientations and praise seeking need, rejection avoidance need : Focusing on

    performance approach goal and performance avoidance goal. Jinbun, 10, 93-101. [Link]

6. Fujii, T. (2013). Implicit preference for studied compound kanji words. Japanese Journal of Personality, 21, 309-311. [Link]

7. Fujii, T. (2013). The relationships between four competence types and praise seeking, rejection avoidance in adolescence. Inmoon Kwahak

    Yeongu31, 206-220. [Link]

8. Fujii, T., Sawaumi, T., & Aikawa, A. (2013). Test-retest reliability and criterion-related validity of the Implicit Association Test for

    measuring shyness. IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, E96-A, 1768-1774.


9. Fujii, T. (2013). Development, validity, and reliability of the social anxiety IAT. Japanese Journal of Personality, 22, 23-36. [Link]

10. Fujii, T., & Aikawa, A. (2013). Verification of the double dissociation model of shyness using the Implicit Association Test. Japanese

      Journal of Psychology, 84, 529-535. [Link]

11. Fujii, T. (2014). The relationship between performance-approach goal and undervaluing others. Jinbun, 12, 119-130. [Link]

12. Fujii, T. (2014). The relationships between achievement goal orientations and academic performance. Inmoon Kwahak Yeongu, 32,


13. Fujii, T. (2014). Relationships between explicit/implicit self-esteem discrepancy and measures of depression, loneliness, and in-group

      favoritism.  Japanese Journal of Psychology, 85, 93-99. [Link]

14. Fujii, T., Sawaumi, T., & Aikawa, A. (2014). Discrepancy between explicit/implicit self-esteem and narcissism. Japanese Journal of

      Research on Emotions. 21, 162-168. [Link]

15. Fujii, T., & Sawada, M. (2014). Relating self-esteem with schadenfreude using the implicit association test. Japanese Journal of Research

      on Emotions, 21, 114-123. [Link]

16. Fujii, T., Sawaumi, T., & Aikawa, A. (in press).The relationships between explicit/implicit shyness and psychological adjustment: Using

      Implicit Association Test (IAT). Japanese Journal of Research on Emotions.

17. Nakano, Y., & Fujii, T. (in press). The effect of achievement goal orientation on e-testing. Japan Journal of Educational Technology,


18. Fujii, T., Uebuchi, H., Yamada, K., Saito, M., Ito, E., Tonegawa, A., & Uebuchi, M. (in press).  Effects of an implicit internal working model

      on attachment in information processing assessed using Go/No-Go Association Task. Japanese Journal of Psychology.

19. Fujii, T. (in press). Does the name letter effect emerge in Korea? Japanese Journal of Research on Emotions.

20. Takeuchi, M., & Fujii, T. (in press). Development and validation of the finding benefits scale. Jinbun, 13.


Journal articles (non-peer-reviewed)

1. Fujii, T., Ikeda, N., & Uebuchi, H. (2009). The priming effect on the achievement motivation. Bulletin of Tokyo Gakugei University.

    Educational sciences, 60, 131-139. [Link]

2. Minoda, H., Fujii, T., & Uebuchi, H. (2009). A new approach to Achievement Goal Theory: Using an Implicit Association Test. Bulletin of

    Tokyo Gakugei University. Educational sciences, 60, 141-148. [Link]

3. Fujii, T. (2009). The attempt to make a paper and pencil version of theory of intelligence IAT. Gakushuin University studies in humanities,

    18, 305-319. [Link]

4. Ikeda, N., Uebuchi, H., & Fujii, T. (2010). Effects of figure-drawing on constructing internal representations. Bulletin of Tokyo Gakugei

    University. Educational sciences, 61, 107-112. [Link]

5. Fujii, T., & Uebuchi, H. (2010). The attempt to make a paper and pencil version of Self-esteem IAT. Bulletin of Tokyo Gakugei University.

    Educational sciences, 61, 113-120. [Link]

6. Fujii, T., (2010). Relationships between "implicit" theories of intelligence and social desirability. Gakushuin University studies in humanities,

    19, 151-162. [Link]

7. Fujii, T., Uebuchi, H. (2011). An attempt to make assumed-competence IAT.  Bulletin of Tokyo Gakugei University. Educational sciences, 62,

    287-291. [Link]

8. Fujii, T., Sawaumi, T., Aikawa, A. (2011). The examination of reliability and validity of Implicit Association Test for measuring shyness :

    From the perspective of test-retest reliability and criterion-related validity. Technical Report of IEICE. HCS, 111, 17-22. [Link]

9. Fujii, T., (2011). Examination of Implicit Attitudes change: a review of IAT studies. The Annual collection of essays and studies, Faculty of

    Letters, 57, 89-104. [Link]

10. Watanabe, E., Uebuchi, H., & Fujii, T. (2012). A Diathesis-Stress Model for Expectant Anxiety. Bulletin of Tokyo Gakugei University.

      Educational sciences, 63, 135-143. [Link]

11. Fujii, T., (2012). A study of discrepancy in the implict and explicit self-concepts and attitudes. The Annual collection of essays and

      studies, Faculty of Letters, 58, 77-86. [Link]

12. Fujii, T., Yamamoto, M., & Ito, T. (2014). The factor of maladaptive tweet in twitter: From the perspective of personality. The Annual

      Report of Computer Center, Gakushuin University, 34, 40-55.

13. Fujii, T., Yamamoto, M., & Ito, T. (in press). The relationship between maladaptive tweet and others-rating. The Annual Report of    

      Computer Center, Gakushuin University, 35.


Conference presentation (peer-reviewed)

46. Fukui, Y., Matsuo, K., Oura, S., Shima, Y., & Inagaki, T. (2017, November). Effects of childhood abuse and insecure attachment

      on misreading of anger from faces expressing various emotions. Poster presented at the European Society for Trauma and

      Dissociation Conference, Berne, Switzerland. (Best poster abstract award受賞)

45. Sawaumi, T., Inagaki, T., & Aikawa, A. (2017, August). Differences between the U.S. and Japan in impressions toward shyness:    

      Factors affecting good or bad judgment. Paper presented at the 12th biennial conference of Asian Association of Social Psychology,

      Auckland, New Zealand, p. 52.

44. Sawaumi, T., Inagaki, T., & Aikawa, A. (2017, July). Negative relationship between shyness and life satisfaction: Moderating role

      by generation. Paper session presented at the 15th European Congress of Psychology, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, p. 80. TS50.2

43. Oura, S., Matsuo, K., Inagaki, T., Shima, Y., & Fukui, Y. (2017, June). Relationships between childhood abuse and explicit/implicit

      internal working models of attachment:Using Implicit Association Test. Poster presented at the 15th Conference of European Society

      for Traumatic Stress Studies, Odense, Denmark, 180-181.

42. Matsuo, K., Oura, S., Shima, Y., Inagaki, T., & Fukui, Y. (2017, June). Effects of childhood abuse and internal working models of

      attachment on recognizing facial emotions: Examined by manipulating strength of expressions. Poster presented at the 15th

      Conference of European Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Odense, Denmark, 266-267.

41. Sawaumi, T., Fujii, T., & Aikawa, A. (2017, January). Relationship Between Implicit Association Test (IAT) and Two Single-Target IATs, with

      Shyness as an Example. Poster presented at the 18th Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San

      Antonio, USA,159. 

40. Fujiwara, Y., & Fujii, T. (2016, November). Japanese Implicit and Explicit Attitudes toward Juvenile Delinquents. Poster presented at the

      72nd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, New Orleans, USA. 

39. Lee, J., & Fujii, T.  (2016, August). Implicit self-esteem in Korea: Using various implicit measures. Poster presented at the 23rd Congress

      of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, Nagoya, Japan, No. 28916.

38. Fujii, T., & Uehara, Y.  (2016, July). “Name-Liking" as an Implicit Measure of Global Self-Esteem: Relationship Between Name-Liking and

      Implicit Association Test Among Japanese People. Poster presented at the 6th Asian Congress of Health Psychology, Yokohama, Japan,


37. Uehara, Y., & Fujii, T. (2016, July). The Discrepancies between Explicit and Implicit Normative Consciousness: The Perspective of

      Relational Liquidity. Poster presented at the 6th Asian Congress of Health Psychology, Yokohama, Japan, L-04. 

36. Fujiwara, Y., & Fujii, T. (2016, July). Developing the Attitudes toward Juvenile Delinquents (ATJD) scale. Paper presented

      at the 31st International Congress of Psychology, Yokohama, Japan, 296. 

35. Matsuo, K., Oura, S., Fukui, Y., Fujii, T., & Shima, Y. (2016, July). Effects of child abuse on autistic traits: Mediating  effects of internal

      working models of attachment. Poster presented at the 31st International Congress of Psychology, Yokohama, Japan, 417. 

34. Sawaumi, T., Fujii, T., & Aikawa, A. (2016, July). Validity of the Single-Target Implicit Association Test (ST-IAT) for Measuring

      Shyness. Poster presented at the 31st International Congress of Psychology, Yokohama, Japan, 1093-1094. 

33. Fujii, T., Sawada, M. (2016, July). Development and validation of bullying-IAT among Japanese junior high school students. Paper

      presented at the 31st International Congress of Psychology, Yokohama, Japan, 467. 

32. Fujii, T., Sawaumi, T., Aikawa, A. (2016, January). Preference for "One's Own Name" as an Implicit Measure of Global Self-Esteem

      Among Japanese People. Poster presented at the 17th Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San Diego,

      USA, 227. 

31. Sawaumi, T., Fujii, T., & Aikawa, A. (2016, January).  The Effects of Explicit-Implicit Discrepancy of Shyness on Other Personality Traits:

      Analyses with the Size and Direction of the Discrepancy. Poster presented at the 17th Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and

      Social Psychology, San Diego, USA, 258.​

30. Sawaumi, T., Fujii, T., Nakano, Y., & Aikawa, A. (2015, August). Malleability of shyness through evaluative conditioning. Paper 

       presented at the Joint Conference of the 11th Biennial conference of Asian Association of Social Psychology and 52nd Annual

      Convention of the Psychological Association of the Philippines, Cebu City, Philippines, 55-56.

29. Fujii, T., Sawaumi, T., Aikawa, A., & Nakano, Y. (2015, February). The effect of achievement goal orientation on task performance 

      and post-task affect in online testing settings. Poster presented at the 16th Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and

      Social Psychology, Long Beach, USA, 157.

28. Takeuchi, M., & Fujii, T. (2014, July). Developing the Trait Finding Benefits Scale and Investigating Influences of Finding Benefits on

      Resilience. Poster presented at the 28th International Congress of Applied Psychology, France, Paris, 413.

27. Shinohara, Y., Fujii, T., & Takizawa, E. (2014, July). The Relations Between Social Achievement Goals and Adjustment in Japanese and

      Korean Women. Poster presented at the 28th International Congress of Applied Psychology, France, Paris, 195.

26. Nakano, Y., & Fujii, T. (2014, July). The Relation Between 2×2 Achievement Goals and Task Performance. Poster presented at the

      28th International Congress of Applied Psychology, France, Paris, 195.

25. Fujii, T., Sawaumi, T., & Aikawa, A. (2014, July). Combining Effects of Implicit and Explicit Self-Esteem on Post-Task Affect and Mood.

      Poster presented at the 28th International Congress of Applied Psychology, France, Paris, 194.

24. Fujii, T., Sawaumi, T., & Aikawa, A. (2014, February). Buffering Effects of Implicit Self-Esteem After Failure Experience: Investigation

      Among Japanese People. Poster presented at the 15th Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Texas,

      USA, 248.

23. Sawaumi, T., Fujii, T., & Aikawa, A. (2014, February). Possible Adaptive Feature of Implicit Self-Esteem: Its Relation to Other Personality

      Traits. Poster presented at the 15th Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Texas, USA, 248.

22. Fujii, T., Sawaumi, T., & Aikawa, A. (2013, September). Are Explicit and Implicit Shyness Affected by Social

      Experiences? Poster presented

      at the Joint SELF Biennial International Conference and Educational Research Association of Singapore (ERAS) Conference, Singapore,


21. Sawaumi, T., Fujii, T., & Aikawa, A. (2013, September). Relations of Explicit/Implicit Shyness With Other Individual Differences:

      Implication for Adaptive Values of Shyness. Paper presented at the Joint SELF Biennial International Conference and

      Educational Research Association of Singapore (ERAS) Conference, Singapore, 207.

20. Nakano, Y.,& Fujii, T. (2013, September). Assessment of Participants' Implicit Achievement Goal Orientation and Self-Efficacy: Predictive

      validity of the Implicit Association Test. Poster presented at the Joint SELF Biennial International Conference and Educational Research

      Association of Singapore (ERAS) Conference, Singapore, 180-181.

19. Ito, T., Oie, M., Fujii, T., & Uebuchi, H. (2013, September). The Moderating Effect of Parents' Attitudes of Child-Rearing on the Relations

      between Other-oriented Achievement Motivation and Parents' Expectations. Poster presented at the Joint SELF Biennial International

      Conference and Educational Research Association of Singapore (ERAS) Conference, Singapore, 113-114.

18. Fujii, T. (2013, August). The Relationship Between Discrepancy of Explicit and Implicit Self-Esteem and In-Group Favoritism:

      Examination of the "Defensive Self-Esteem" in Japan. Poster presented at the 5th Asian Congress of Health Psychology, Daejeon,

      Korea, 141.

17. Fujii, T., Yamamoto, M., & Ito, T. (2013, August). Mediate Effect of "Twitter's Values" for Relationship Between Negative Personality and

      Negative Tweet Behavior. Poster presented at the 2013 Korean Psychological Association, Daejeon, Korea, 277.

16. Ito,T., Fujii, T., Oie, M., & Uebuchi, H. (2013, July). The Relation Between Vocational Motives and Parental Expectations in East Asia:

      Comparative Study of Korea and Japan. Poster presented at the 13th European Congress of Psychology, Stockholm, Sweden.

15. Fujii, T., Yamamoto, M., & Ito, T. (2012, August).The Relationship Between “Negative Tweet”and Personality. Poster presented at the

      2012 Korean Psychological Association, Gangwon Province, Korea, 212.

14. Fujii, T. (2012, July). Development of Japanese version of Implicit Association Test-Anxiety: Their predictive validity and test-retest

      reliability, and consequences of discrepancy implicit and explicit anxiety. Poster presented at the 30th International Congress of

      Psychology, Cape Town, South Africa, 608.

13. Fujii, T., Sawaumi, T., & Aikawa, A. (2012, July). Discrepancy Between Explicit Shyness and Implicit Shyness: Its Relation to Narcissism. 

      Poster presented at the 30th International Congress of Psychology, Cape Town, South Africa, 609.

12. Sawaumi, T., Fujii, T., & Aikawa, A. (2012, July). A Negative Relation Between Shyness and Self-esteem at an Implicit Level Investigated

      With an Implicit Association Test. Paper presented at the 30th International Congress of Psychology, Cape Town, South Africa, 711.

11. Takeuchi, M. & Fujii, T. (2012, July). Developing the Finding Benefits Scale and Investigating Influences of Finding Benefits on

      Resilience. Poster presented at the 30th International Congress of Psychology, Cape Town, South Africa, 610.

10. Uebuchi, H. et al. (2012). The difference between achievement goals of Korean students and Japanese students. Poster presented at

      the 30th International Congress of Psychology, Cape Town, South Africa, 230.

9. Fujii, T. & Nakano, Y. (2012, March). Development of achievement goal orientations IAT and self-efficacy IAT. Poster presented at the

    10th Tsukuba International Conference on Memory, Tokyo, Japan, 26.

8. Nakano, Y. & Fujii, T. (2012, March). A new method of measuring achievement goal orientation: Using Implicit Association Test. Poster

    presented at the 10th Tsukuba International Conference on Memory, Tokyo, Japan, 27.

7. Yamada, K., Fujii, T., & Uebuchi, H. (2011, July). Measuring attachment models using implicit association test. Poster presented at the

    annual meeting of International Society for Research on Emotion, Kyoto, Japan, 238.

6. Fujii, T., Yamada, K., & Uebuchi, H. (2011, June). The relationship between achievement goals and self-esteem. Poster presented at the

    6th Self Biennial International Conference, Quebec, Canada, 35.

5. Yamada, K., Fujii, T., & Uebuchi, H. (2011, June). Is performance approach goal truly adaptive?: Relationship between achievement goals

    and assumed-competence. Poster presented at the 6th Self Biennial International Conference, Quebec, Canada, 38.

4. Fujii, T. (2011, June). Measuring Implicit and Explicit Anxiety: Using Implicit Association Test. Poster presented at the 15th annual

    meeting of Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness, Kyoto, Japan, 76.

3. Fujii, T., & Noguchi, Y. (2011, March). Applying spontaneous inferences to our daily situation: Taking consumer behavior as an example.

    Poster presented at the 9th Tsukuba International Conference on Memory, Tokyo, Japan, 26.

2. Fujii, T., Tanaka, C., Noguchi, Y., & Aikawa, A. (2010, July). An attempt to measure implicit and explicit shyness. Poster presented at the

    27th International Congress of Applied Psychology, Melbourne, Australia, 1405.

1. Fujii, T., & Shimakage, M. (2010, March). Implicit preference to studied compound words. Poster presented at the 8th Tsukuba

    International Conference on Memory, Tsukuba, Japan, 21.

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