Welcome to Tsutomu Inagaki's website
I'm using Implicit Association Test (IAT) to examine implicit personality and attitudes.
Key words:
Implicit Association Test (IAT)
implicit self-concept
implicit self-esteem
implicit shyness
implicit anxiety
implicit theories of intelligence
Social links:
2007.3. Received B. A. degrees from Tokyo
Gakugei University
2009.3. Received M. Ed. degrees from Tokyo
Gakugei University
2009.4. Doctoral course (Gakushuin University)
2010.4. Assistant professor, Gakushuin
University -2012.8.
2012.9. Associate professor, Sungshin Women's
University, Korea.-2016.2
2016.4 Assistant Professor, Nagasaki University
2017.3 Lecturer, Kagoshima University
2021.4 Associate Professor, Kyoto University of Foreign Studies
Japanese Psychological Association
Japanese Association of Educational Psychology
Japanese Society of Social Psychology
Japan Society of Personality Psychology
Japanese Group Dynamics Association
Japanese Society for Research on Emotion